We are excited to launch the 2024 TMAC Awards on FilmFreeway, an awards submission platform that should help to streamline our submissions and judging.
As the submission process will be new for the TMAC Awards, we have created the tutorial below to walk you through this process.
Guide to Entering the TMAC Awards on FilmFreeway
You will find the 2024 TMAC Awards on FilmFreeway at https://filmfreeway.com/TMACAwards.
In this Guide, we share instructions on:
- Creating an Account on FilmFreeway
- Adding Your Project for the:
- Submitting Your Projects to the TMAC Awards
Create an Account on FilmFreeway
To enter the 2024 TMAC Awards, you will need an account on FilmFreeway. This is free. Just click Sign Up on the Header Menu (or Log In, if you already have a FilmFreeway account).
In signing up, be sure to select “I want to submit my work or get tickets to festivals.”
Once you are signed into FilmFreeway, click on the downward arrow beside your avatar in the Header Menu and click on Account Settings.
Scroll down to Currency and change your currency to Canadian dollars.
Add ‘Your Projects’
Before you enter an Awards Category, you need to ‘Add Your Projects’ to your FilmFreeway Portfolio. By ‘Projects’ this refers to the stories you wish to submit to the 2024 TMAC Awards.
Before starting, you will want to visit TMAC’s Website and review the 13 National Awards Categories to decide which categories you wish to enter.
Remember you can enter:
- a maximum of 6 of your stories published between January 1 and December 31, 2024, unless otherwise stated;
- a maximum of 2 stories in any given category; and
- the same story cannot be submitted more than once (even if in a different category).
Please be sure to review the full list of TMAC 2024 Awards Submissions Guidelines.
Written Word Award Categories
For projects that you intend to enter into one of TMAC’s Written Word Awards Categories follow these steps:
- Fill in the Project Information with:
- Project Type: Script
- Project Title: The name of the article, blog post, or book that you are submitting.
- If your project is in French, click on the “My Project also has a non-English Title and Synopsis” box, and fill in the Project Title en Francais.
- Add a link to your article, blog post, or book (optional).
- There is nothing you need to do with the Submitter’s Information, aside from making sure that it includes the same email as your login for TMAC’s website.
- Under Credits, add the names of all the writers of the article, blog post, or book.
- Select ‘Other’ under Project Type on Specifications.
- Ignore the Past Awards Section and click Save Project.
- Under Upload Script File, select ‘No’ for “Does your script file include a cover page?” and then click ‘Choose File’ to upload a PDF copy of your article, blog post, or book. This is a requirement for all TMAC Awards Written Word Category Submissions.
- If anyone is having trouble creating a PDF of a web based article, try FireShot. It is free. A nod of thanks to Jennifer Bain for this suggestion.
- If you are submitting a book, then please mail two physical copies or PDFs for judging to TMAC PO Box 332, Brighton, ON, K0K 1H0.
- If submitting a book with two or more Media Members listed as authors, contact Christine before submitting.
- Congratulations! You have added everything needed for this Written Word Award Submission.
- Now click on ‘My Projects’ in the Header Menu to add your next story:
- Or scroll down in this article to Submit Your Project to an Award to finish the submission process.
Photography (aka Visual) Award Categories
For projects that you intend to enter into one of TMAC’s Photography (aka Visual) Awards Categories follow these steps:
- Fill in the Project Information with:
- Project Type: Photography / Design
- Project Title: The name of the photograph or the article or blog post in which the photograph was published
- Add a link to the article, blog post, or book that your article is published in (optional).
- There is nothing you need to do with the Submitter’s Information, aside from making sure that it includes the same email as your login for TMAC’s website.
- Under Credits, add your name as the photographer.
- On Specifications fill in the Date the Photograph(s) was Published, rather than the Date the Photograph was Taken.
- You don’t need to fill in anything else on Specifications, but you can if you wish to.
- Ignore the Past Awards Section and click Save Project.
- Upload Photographs. This is a requirement for all TMAC Awards Photography Category Submissions.
- Under Files & Attachments upload a PDF copy of the article, blog post, or book that your photograph is published in. This is a requirement for all TMAC Awards Photography Category Submissions.
- If anyone is having trouble creating a PDF of a web based article, try FireShot. It is free. A nod of thanks to Jennifer Bain for this suggestion.
- Congratulations! You have added everything needed for this Written Word Award Submission.
- Now click on ‘My Projects’ in the Header Menu to add your next story:
- Or scroll down in this article to Submit Your Project to an Award to finish the submission process.
All Media Forms or Best Emerging & Broadcast Media Award Categories
For projects that you intend to enter into one of TMAC’s All Media Forms or Best Emerging & Broadcast Media Awards Categories follow these steps:
- Fill in the Project Information with:
- Project Type: Select Film / Video or Script (for Written Projects) or Music (for Audio Projects) or Photography / Design or VR / XR / Immersive, depending on what best suits your project.
- Project Title: The name of the story that you are submitting.
- If your project is in French, click on the “My Project also has a non-English Title and Synopsis” box, and fill in the Project Title en Francais.
- Add a link to your story (optional).
- As you’ve already seen examples of the choices for Scripts and Photography, below you will see an example for Film / Video.
- There is nothing you need to do with the Submitter’s Information, aside from making sure that it includes the same email as your login for TMAC’s website.
- Under Credits, add the names of your project’s main creatives.
- Select whichever Project Type fits under Specifications.
- On Specifications fill in the Publication Date instead of the Completion Date.
- You don’t need to fill in anything else on Specifications, but you can if you wish to.
- Ignore the Screening / Distribution Section and click Save Project.
- You must upload a PDF, under Files & Attachments with a description of the project, form of media, and a link to it (if it is online). This is a requirement for all TMAC All Media Forms or Best Emerging & Broadcast Media Awards Category Submissions.
- Additionally, please include one of the following:
- Under Add an Online Screener, upload a video under Upload.
- Under Add an Online Screener, add a Link to your story. This can be a link to any form of media.
- Under Upload Script File, upload a PDF of an article, blog post, book, or other form of media.
- Under Upload Photographs, add any photos that you are submitting as your story.
- If anyone is having trouble creating a PDF of a web based article, try FireShot. It is free. A nod of thanks to Jennifer Bain for this suggestion.
- Congratulations! You have added everything needed for this Written Word Award Submission.
- Now click on ‘My Projects’ in the Header Menu to add your next story:
- Or scroll down in this article to Submit Your Project to an Award to finish the submission process.
Self-Published Travel Website (including Blogs) Award Category
For projects that you intend to enter into one of TMAC’s Self-Published Travel Website Award Category follow these steps:
- Fill in the Project Information with:
- Project Type: Script
- Project Title: The name of the website that you are submitting.
- If your project is in French, click on the “My Project also has a non-English Title and Synopsis” box, and fill in the Project Title en Francais.
- Add a link to your website.
- There is nothing you need to do with the Submitter’s Information, aside from making sure that it includes the same email as your login for TMAC’s website.
- Under Credits, add your name as the website creator.
- Select ‘Other’ under Project Type on Specifications.
- Ignore the Past Awards Section and click Save Project.
- Under Upload Script File, select ‘No’ for “Does your script file include a cover page?” and then click ‘Choose File’ to upload a PDF with the name of your website, a link to your website’s homepage, and a link to three articles that you personally wrote in 2024. This is a mandatory requirement for all TMAC Awards Self-Published Travel Website Category Submissions.
- Optional: Under Files & Attachments upload a PDF copy of each of the three articles or blog posts that you have written in 2024, that you wish judged as a part of this award.
- If anyone is having trouble creating a PDF of a web based article, try FireShot. It is free. A nod of thanks to Jennifer Bain for this suggestion.
- Congratulations! You have added everything needed for this Written Word Award Submission.
- Now click on ‘My Projects’ in the Header Menu to add your next story:
- Or scroll down in this article to Submit Your Project to an Award to finish the submission process.
Submit Your Projects to the TMAC Awards
You are now ready to submit your projects to the TMAC Awards.
As a reminder you can enter:
- a maximum of 6 of your stories published between January 1 and December 31, 2024, unless otherwise stated;
- a maximum of 2 stories in any given category; and
- the same story cannot be submitted more than once (even if in a different category).
Please be sure to review the full list of TMAC 2024 Awards Submissions Guideline.
You will find the entry forms for 13 TMAC National Awards Categories on:
Provide you use the following three waiver codes, your first three entries will be free:
- TMAC2024Submission1
- TMAC2024Submission2
- TMAC2024Submission3
You can use each waiver code only once. Your 4th – 6th entries will cost $25 CA each + a service fee of $1.79 CA / entry.
Submitting will look like this:

In order to use your waiver codes, submit your projects at the Checkout, one at a time, on your first three entries. This is what the Checkout will look like:
…. and once your Waiver Code is applied ….
Should you have questions regarding submitting your entries through FilmFreeway, first review the instructions above to see if your question has already been answered. If it has not, then send an email to Christine or Erica.
Good luck in the awards!