#StoryToGo is about inspiring ideas in Contemporary and Cross-Platform Storytelling!
This community is designed to reflect storytelling today – shared both through traditional means of oral storytelling, radio, film and TV, and print; in addition to newer forms of media storytelling through the digital arts, including gaming, blogging, online video, social media, and other forms of emerging media.

This digital space and magazine aims to share ideas, success stories, marketing implications, courses, new technologies, questions, jobs, thoughts and examples on all things story related.
In the process we hope to learn a little more about your story!
Our Editorial Vision for the StoryToGo Digital Magazine
- Global – while our founders are ambassadors for Canadian culture, we are also fascinated by other cultures globally, and love learning from new colleagues from around the world, whom we meet in our travels; we want to celebrate both what we can learn from fellow Canadian creatives, along with what we can learn from our international colleagues
- Interdisciplinary – we love how different forms of storytelling meet, converge and diverge, and relish in opportunities to both learn from creatives in mediums different from our own and bring creatives from different mediums together to collaborate
- Inclusive – we are lead by the notion of ahimsa, finding harmony in our surroundings, and creating spaces for voices and perspectives that have been and continue to be marginalized in society as well as storytelling – through our own experiences being marginalized, it has changed the way we work, placing an emphasis on creating healthy work relationships
As for our story …

StoryToGo first came to fruition in 2013, when 3 media makers and educators – Kevin Ribble, Lori Yearwood, and Erica Hargreave – were brainstorming ways to connect current and past students in our media courses with the broader community of storytellers, technologists, and marketers, around conversations of contemporary storytelling and media in this digital age. At the beginning, the community was very focused around the Part Time Studies Media and Communication community at BCIT, but has broadened over the years to include other storytellers, technologists and educators, and to be more inclusive of global community in which we work.

For more detailed bios on Kevin, Lori, Erica, and some of the other storytellers, technologists, and educators that have begun to contribute to this community, visit the StoryToGo Classroom site.