There has been a fun, yet thought provoking campaign going on about happiness and it’s obstacles. Realwheels partnered with Ahimsa Media and OneStory in the hopes of finding different ways that people define their identity. Realwheels is a theatrical company in Vancouver with a strong presence in disability arts. They are especially interested in discovering the universal ideas we all have, regardless of physicality.
Using the OnceStory platform to collect and share the interviews, participants have been answering two questions:
1. What makes you happy?
2. Is there an obstacle to that happiness?
Some of the students from our Autumn Interactive Storytelling Course submitted short interviews of themselves and their acquaintances. Here is a OneStory interview Deborah Esseltine took of Adam Snow.
[youtube i7n4TkpUt2w]
Although the campaign has ended, the topic What Makes You Happy will remain active in OneStory and we are looking to help make the collection of interviews grow. You can add your voice in a few simple steps.
To do this you simply need to download the OneStory App for free on your device. Once you open the App you will see different categories of interviews. Feel free to give a listen, people have some really interesting things to say! Our topic is found within the Featured interview topics, as well as within the Health related topics.
When you are ready to record your interview click on the red record button with an image of a camera on it in the top right corner of the screen. Scroll down and select ‘What Makes You Happy?’ Press Next in the top right corner and then enter the name of the person who will be speaking. Press Next again and then press the button that says ‘Record Answer’ when you are ready to answer the first prompt.
Share your story and see what others have to say by using the hashtag #Wheelvoices on your feeds. Your participation is ‘what makes us happy’!