Podcast Production for Students

There are many options in both hardware and software available to help you create your podcast. With enhanced skill, you may wish to invest in equipment that will allow you to expand your creative and technical possibilities.

Image care Rodion Kutsaev of via UnSplash.

For now, this section assumes two things: 1 – you are a beginner, and 2 – that you or your group will be using only the basics (a smartphone or iPad to record, headphones, a computer and freeware editing software) that you have available at school, home or the library.  For more advanced options, click here.

Alright before we move on, let’s confirm that by this point you have the following steps completed:

  • Your concept and driving question are solidified.
  • Your format and style are decided on and support the story you want to tell. 
  • Your research is complete. There is a balance of perspectives.
  • Your open-ended questions are ready to go and support your driving question.
  • Your interviews are scheduled with locations in mind.
  • You have the basic equipment available to you.

If you answered yes to all the above, let’s get ready to record.

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