By now you are realizing that even though the internet is a wonderful research tool, that provides us with a lot of information at our fingertips, much of that information is not based on facts and in some cases is downright lies. Understanding this and having new tools at your disposal for assessing online sources, like the CRAAP test, makes you a more discerning media consumer, which is a very good thing.
In Part 2 of our Two Truths & a Lie Game, we are going to put your new media literacy to the test!
Individually I would like you to find and share 3 pre-existing online artifacts (a blog post, a photo, a video, an animation, a podcast, and/or full social media accounts) to the Two Truths & a Lie – the Online Game class discussion board to stump your classmates with. One or two of the online artifacts will contain factual information and one or two of the online artifacts will share false information. The goal this time around is to find pre-existing online artifacts that other people have crafted and shared online, and that have not been shared in the previous lessons.
Click on the button below to share the 3 pre-existing online artifacts that you found in the class discussion board.
Once you’ve shared your 3 online artifacts, check out the artifacts that your classmates shared, and guess which are ones real and which are false.
Have fun trying to stump each other!